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[Satellite TODAY 02-15-11] LightSquared‘s SkyTerra 1-supported integrated broadband satellite system and space-based network has been accepted from Boeing Space and Intelligence Systems and is ready to begin service, LightSquared announced Feb. 14.
Boeing tested and integrated the satellite’s communications with the ground segment to form the integrated wireless broadband and satellite network, which LightSquared hopes will provide ubiquitous nationwide coverage and satellite-terrestrial service using common mobile devices.
Launched in November, SkyTerra 1’s 22-meter L-band antenna will relay high-data rate radio frequency signals to and from four LightSquared terrestrial gateways located in the United States and Canada. The LightSquared network is designed to meet U.S. Federal Communications Commission mandates for coverage of more than 90 percent of the United States population by the end of 2015.
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