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[Satellite TODAY 10-28-10] CapRock Communications has completed rollout of iDirect’s next-generation Evolution platform to more than 300 energy and maritime vessels in the Gulf of Mexico, with more sites scheduled for implementation over the next year, CapRock announced Oct 27.
CapRock will use the platform to provide global service and maintain existing service capabilities while vessels are en route. The Evolution platform, built on the DVB-S2 broadcasting standard with adaptive coding and modulation, aims to provide immediate bandwidth efficiency gains and improved link availability during adverse weather.
“Our customers’ operations are growing in complexity and pushing into all corners of the globe. Drilling contractors and fleet operators need to securely support the applications and data needs of multiple parties onboard their assets and make sure vessels can move from one location to the next seamlessly. This requires greater bandwidth utilization. … We’ve received strong feedback from our customers that the Evolution platform is providing immediate benefits, specifically preserving service reliability in adverse weather, such as heavy rains,” CapRock Vice President and General Manager of North America Ron Wagnon said in a statement.
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