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[Satellite TODAY 10-19-10] Satellite communication services provider GE Satcom and United Arab Emirates’ integrated telecom service provider Du have entered into a partnership agreement that will see the two companies cooperate to deliver satellite network solutions throughout the Middle East, Africa and beyond.
The partners said the deal creates opportunity for the companies to achieve significant growth within the region’s oil and gas, energy, and financial sectors, where reliable communications are required between base operations and remote sites underserved by terrestrial telecommunications infrastructure.
“This is a promising step for both organizations. As one of the leading telecom operators in the United Arab Emirates, Du has a presence and local understanding that we could never hope to achieve on our own. For our part, we bring to the table world-class satellite communications technologies, superior VSAT network operations capability, a comprehensive satellite space inventory and demonstrable experience in delivering services to government and corporate clients,” GE Satcom President and CEO Ronny Svang said in a statement.
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