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[Satellite TODAY 06-02-10] VT iDirect has released a new line of software packages for its SatManage network management system, the company announced June 1.
iDirect has combined the product’s primary tools into five add-on feature packages, which aim to make SatManage more accessible to a broader set of service providers.
The add-on software packages include: a NOC Toolset Package to allow engineers to monitor the status and performance of each remote router in their network; an Auto HelpDesk Package which automates Level 1 support and the associated tasks of issue detection; a Customer Management Package to enable service providers to share network performance data and management tools directly with customers through a customizable Web portal; a Mobility Package to enable service providers to track the location and status of network remotes through a global mapping system in real-time; and a Traffic Analysis Package, which provides visibility into every aspect of a network’s data flow.
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