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[Satellite TODAY 04-19-10] Satellite operators Artel, Caprock and Globecomm filed complaints with the U.S. Federal Communications Commission (FCC) and called for a congressional and regulatory inquiry over alleged unfair business practices employed by Intelsat, the operators confirmed.
The companies claim that since Intelsat was privatized in 2000, the operator has dominated the U.S. bandwidth market. The operators referred to the FCC’s mandate in the 2000 Orbit Act to annually review Intelsat’s business practices as the base for their proposed call for action.
Intelsat Director of Investor Relations Diane VanBeber told Satellite TODAY that the complaints have no merit and claimed that the operators’ actions are motivated by the U.S. Navy’s $536 million award to Intelsat General for its CBSP program over Artel, Caprock and Globecomm. “The comments filed at the FCC by the unsuccessful bidders for the CBSP program have no merit and reflect a fundamental lack of understanding of the requirements of the Orbit Act. Intelsat is fully compliant with the Orbit Act, as the FCC has repeatedly found. We will respond in due course in the FCC proceeding,” VanBeber said.
Artel, Caprock and Globecomm previously filed complaints with the U.S. Government Accountability Office (GAO) over the CBSP contract award. The GAO’s review is underway.
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