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[Satellite TODAY 02-03-10] Rascomstar-QAF will launch the Rascomstar-QAF1R satellite in May to boost its pan-African connectivity services and replace the Rascomstar-QAF1 spacecraft, expected to stop working by the end of 2010, the operator announced Feb. 2.
    Soon after Rascomstar-QAF1 was launched by Arianespace in December 2007, the operator discovered that the satellite had a helium leak, which reduced its lifespan from 15 years to three years.
    Arianespace has been contracted to launch Rascomstar-QAF1R as well. “The insurance company is going to cater for all the costs; we had envisaged such challenges," Rascomstar-QAF CEO Faraj Elamari said in a statement.

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