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[Satellite TODAY 10-29-09] Sims Group, a satellite network operator in Colombia, has launched an iDirect-based DVB-S2 broadband satellite service with coverage across Latin America, Caribbean and the United States, iDirect announced Oct. 28.
The service will be launched by Oct. 30 in conjunction with the Andicom Telecommunications Congress in Cartagena, Colombia, and aims to deliver bandwidth efficiency gains to commercial and government organizations throughout its targeted regions.
The network uses iDirect’s Evolution X3 satellite router. Sims will manage the service from its Miami-based hub.
“Launching a DVB-S2 network is critical to our growth strategy. With iDirect’s Evolution product line, we can meet customer demand for higher data performance and reliable [Voice over IP] while delivering greater bandwidth savings,” Sims-USA CEO Luis Hernando Escobar said in a statement.
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