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[Satellite TODAY 08-14-09] Asia-Pacific satellite operator Thaicom expects to launch a high-speed Internet service in India via its broadband satellite, IPStar in the second half of this year, the company announced in its 2009 second quarter results, released Aug. 13.
Thaicom CFO Tanadit Charoenchan said the company will enter the Indian market and start bringing in revenues in the fourth quarter.
The company reported a net profit of $5.8 million in the second quarter, but is still $646,000 short of where it was last year at this time.
Separately, the company announced that its IPStar service will soon be re-launched in China following an agreement with its partner China Telecom. “[The re-launch] should help stimulate revenue growth in the second half of 2009,” said Tanadit, in a statement.
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