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[Satellite Today 07-31-09] Comtech AHA, a wholly-owned subsidiary of Comtech Telecommunications, released AHA367-PCIe, a high-speed data compression board based on the open standard GZIP data compression algorithm, Comtech announced July 30.
The AHA367-PCIe supports data throughput of over 10 gigabits per second and full-duplex streaming of over 10.0 gigabits per second uncompressed data using an X8 lane PCI-Express interface.
Comtech said the board aims to allow network transmission and network storage appliance customers to decreasing latency, bandwidth and storage requirements and reduce the amount of data transferred through or stored within their systems. "Because our products are based on open standard algorithms and do not require license fees or royalties, they are a compelling choice over competing solutions," Comtech AHA President Bill Thomson said in a statement.
The new units will be available in the third quarter.
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