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[Satellite Today 07-07-09] Inmarsat completed its strategic investment and long-term global distribution and product development agreement with SkyWave Mobile Communications, Inmarsat announced July 6.
Inmarsat announced in April that it would acquire 19 percent in the privately held SkyWave, based in Ottawa. Inmarsat and SkyWave also entered into a direct distribution agreement for the supply of satellite capacity to SkyWave on a global basis.
As a result of the investment, SkyWave has acquired assets relating to the GlobalWave satellite low data rate (SLDR) products and services business from North American distributor TransCore and entered into a sales distribution relationship with TransCore focusing on the North American trucking and rail segments of the SLDR market.
“We estimate that the SLDR market is worth $600 million today in end user revenue and has significant growth potential. This investment and partnership with SkyWave fits our strategic commitment to pursue opportunities that leverage our satellite network assets,” Inmarsat COO Perry Melton said in a statement.
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