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[Satellite Today 06-29-09] U.K. telecoms regulator Ofcom may seek to limit BSkyB’s position in the pay-TV market by offering competitors access to attractive content such as sports and movies at better prices, according to a June 26 Ofcom.
Ofcom said the move is aimed at creating what it called a level playing field for customers who face “a restricted choice of channels and platforms in the short term. In the longer term, new platforms based on innovative distribution technologies may be prevented from developing without access to this content.”
The regulator may opt to make Sky premium channels available to other retailers on a wholesale, must-offer obligation basis containing a range of regulated prices. Ofcom also is considering changes in how subscription video-on-demand rights are regulated and whether there is a case for targeted interventions on movie and sports rights. Sky currently holds the rights for all the major film studios but does not exploit them on its satellite platform.
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