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[Satellite Today 06-03-09] Telefonica del Peru signed a three-year deal with SES Americom-New Skies for nearly a full transponder of capacity aboard the NSS-10 satellite, the companies announced June 1
Telefonica will use 33 megahertz of NSS-10 capacity and GSM backhaul to deliver corporate voice and data solutions as well as broadband and mobile phone services to customers in Peru unable to access terrestrial networks. The deal also enables Telefonica to extend the capabilities of its metropolitan networks to remote locations.
“Telefonica del Peru is offering seamless corporate, cellular and residential communications services between major cities like Lima and Puerto Maldonado in Peru. Increasingly, satellite-delivered voice and data, GSM backhaul, broadband, and mobile phone services are opening the door to newfound communications capabilities and business opportunities in rural mining and farming villages that were once out of touch,” Carlos Flores Ganoza , network planning manager for Telefonica, said in a statement.
The financial details of the contract were not disclosed.
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