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[Satellite Today 05-20-09] Ipstar Australia now has 60,000 broadband connections in Australia, its parent company Thaicom announced May 18.
Under the Australian Broadband Guarantee (ABG), Ipstar service providers have been deploying Ipstar broadband satellite services to the retail market with end-user packages starting at USD$22.61 a month.
With the continuation of the ABG program through Ipstar service providers, Ipstar Australia said it is targeting over 90,000 subscribers, or one percent of Australian premises by early 2010.
Ipstar Australia has also announced that it now offers an open access policy to any service provider who would like to access Thaicom 4 satellite capacity and use it with their ground system of choice to deliver Australian rural broadband requirements. Thaicom 4 is a next generation High Throughput Satellite (HTS) that Ipstar Australia uses in conjunction with the Ipstar ground system to for broadband delivery.
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