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[Satellite Today 02-23-09] Orbital Sciences Corp. reported fourth quarter revenues at $311 million, an 11 percent increase over the previous year, in its 2008 results released Feb. 20.
Orbital’s fourth quarter operating income was $22.4 million, a 1 percent increase compared to $22.2 million in the fourth quarter of 2007. Adjusted income from continuing operations was $19.4 million, a 33 percent increase compared to the same quarter in 2007.
The company’s full year 2008 revenues improved 14 percent to $1.17 billion, compared to $1 billion in 2007.
Although the company said it was pleased with its end of the year results, Orbital CEO David Thompson said expenses related to the new Taurus 2 rocket and Cygnus cargo-supply vehicle it is building for NASA as part of its COTS program contract to service the International Space Station could have unseen effects on profits in 2009. "I want to caution everyone that our work on both Taurus 2 and Cigna’s represent major development efforts with plenty of chances still ahead for things to be delayed or for costs to come in at greater levels than planned," Thompson said.
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