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[Satellite Today 01-27-09] KVH Industries signed a global distribution agreement with Thrane and Thrane for KVH’s TracPhone V7 satellite communications system and mini-VSAT Broadband service, KVH announced Jan. 26.
    Thrane and Thrane will push KVH’s products as its main VSAT maritime communications solution product. The TracPhone V7 system will be labeled under Thrane and Thrane’s Sailor brand, and the company said it may consider developing new Sailor products compatible with KVH’s mini-VSAT broadband network.
    "Our aim when we launched the mini-VSAT Broadband service was to create a new global solution for affordable, reliable mobile broadband connections via Ku-band satellites,” said Martin Kits van Heyningen, CEO of KVH.
    Global expansion of KVH’s maritime VSAT coverage is expected to roll out in 2009 in a joint effort with ViaSat.

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