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[Satellite Today 01-12-09] AT&T revealed roll out costs for its satellite-based in-car TV service, AT&T CruiseCast, slated to launch this spring, the company announced Jan. 9.
AT&T will initially provide 22 channels of satellite TV and 20 satellite radio channels at a cost of $28 a month for the service. The system and antenna, developed in conjunction with RaySat, is set at a launch price of $1,299.
Additionally, Avis and Budget car rental services have announced plans to make the CruiseCast service available in rental cars for $9 a day or $63 a week.
Separately, RaySat Broadcasting Corp. named Mike Grannan COO. Grannan previously served at AT&T, provider of CruiseCast, which RaySat is introducing to the commercial market this spring. Grannan will be responsible for operations support of RaySat’s ground operations center, customer service, account provisioning and billing, and equipment shipping and logistics.
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