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[Satellite Today 12-30-08] TeleCommunication Systems (TCS) expects its customers’ platforms to deliver a record number of text messages this New Year’s Eve across its globally deployed Short Message Service Centers (SMSC), TCS announced Dec. 22.
The company said its expectations are based on statistics from previous years and the threefold increase in deployed platforms in 2008 compared to 2007. TCS anticipates peak text messaging volume on New Year’s Eve to be more than 80 percent greater than any peak seen in 2008 and four times greater than last year’s New Year’s Eve spike.
To address a potential traffic clog, TCS said is counting on its next-generation smsExpress solution, which provides carriers with high capacity performance via an optimized first delivery attempt.
“Text messaging has become an important and cost-effective communications method, which can be reliably delivered even when a voice call would run into congestion,” said Drew Morin, TCS CTO and senior vice president. “In 2009, we will continue to support wireless operators with additional innovative messaging services to strategically position their opportunity for growth in SMS revenues.”
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