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[Satellite Today – 6-18-08] 2008 could be the year that HDTV really takes off in Asia. That s the conclusion of a new study into the topic, jointly announced by Euroconsult and Measat Satellite Systems, June 17.
The study, which was conducted during May by Euroconsult, polled the rationale, benefits, challenges and expectations or HDTV amongst the regions’ leading pay-TV operators. 25 operators in 15 markets, collectively serving more than 24 million subscribers, were interviewed.
The study found that 75 percent of pay-TV operators surveyed have, or were planning, to launch an HDTV offering during 2008. Euroconsult said operators were generally bullish on the outlook for HDTV, with a majority expecting it to increase ARPU or profits on its own. The study indicated that the rollout of HDTV is being spearheaded by newer pay-TV platforms looking to differentiate their offerings from existing platforms. More established platforms were taking a slower approach to implementing HDTV.
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