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[Satellite Today – 4-10-08] Newtec has completed the installation of its multimedia networking concept at the Arab States Broadcasting Union (ASBU). Newtec announced April 10.
MENOS, or Multimedia Exchange Network over Satellite, allows video and audio material to be shared among sites across a large geographical area. It supports all potential transmission applications required by broadcasters, including DSNG uplinks to studios, primary distributions from studios to headends, international contribution exchange between studios and support for business television networks. The concept also offers Internet Protocol-(IP) based services such as Voice Over IP (VoIP) and corporate Virtual Private Networks (VPN).
The MENOS service will be operated on Arabsat’s BADR-4 satellite in Ku-band and extended in a next phase to Arabsat-2B in C-band.
“The broadcast industry is extremely fast paced and we are constantly looking at ways to improve our technology and services,” ASBU Director of Engineering Abdelrahim Suleiman, said in a statement. “Now that the MENOS installation is complete, we will be able to provide a larger range of faster and more efficient TV, radio and data exchange services. In a professional broadcast exchange network, the quality of the service is also paramount and it is very important that we provide optimum services to our members. This not only provides members with a more reliable service, but also a greater number of cost efficient services and ground stations.”
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