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[Satellite Today – 2-15-08] Arqiva has stepped up its plans in the High Definition (HD) arena. Its satellite media solutions division has installed a new HD ready television playout suite, the company announced Feb. 14. Building of the new facility, which will play out combinations of HD and SD channels, has already commenced and will be completed in April. Arqiva currently plays out over 60 channels and the new suite will further increase that capacity to include up to eight HD channels. Arqiva says this investment in infrastructure has been prompted by increased interest in the HD market.
The new playout suite will accommodate HD bandwidth requirements, provide for the addition of HD-level graphics and incorporate Dolby 5.1 surround sound. Arqiva’s experience in delivering live HD outside-broadcast content contributed to the design of the suite. Each channel has full redundancy, with two architecturally independent play outs of each single channel.
John Bozza, director of sales at Arqiva’s satellite media solutions division, commented, “Our investment in this new technology demonstrates our commitment to supporting broadcasters in their ambition to upgrade to high definition channel playout and distribution. This, and other recent developments in the US and European HD distribution market, will make it significantly easier and more viable for our customers to launch high definition channels in the future.”
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