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Army Lofting Small Experimental Satellites
The Army is moving to orbit small satellites on an experimental basis, Lt. Gen. Kevin Campbell, commanding general of the Army Space and Missile Defense Command, said.
He spoke before a breakfast forum of the National Defense University Foundation at the Capitol Hill Club.
"We’re looking at small satellites on an experimental basis," he said. "We’re committed to doing a demonstration."
An initial hurdle will be getting the birds into orbit, he indicated.
"The issue is going to be getting them into space," he said. "We’re trying to work with a launch partner to help us with that."
This isn’t some elaborate system, he said, but a very simple demonstration. "That’s all it is. It’s small satellites for a very limited purpose. Just a demonstration."
The news media have inflated the program out of proportion to seem like some major initiative, he said. It is just a "demonstration [with] small satellites. And we’re committed to building it. But again you’ve got to find launch partners."
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