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XM Receiver Allows Listeners To Play It Again
How many times have you caught the tail end of a bit on morning radio or the final seconds of a song you’ve been waiting to hear and then wished you could hit a rewind button to go back over what you missed? With the new SKYFi2 receiver, unveiled by Delphi Corp. [DPH] and XM Satellite Radio [XMSR] today, you can. The new receiver allows listeners to pause, rewind and replay as much as 30 minutes of radio broadcasts from multiple channels.
It seems that this becomes the latest feature in XM’s battle to maintain market share against its competitor Sirius Satellite Radio [SIRI], and the announcement of this comes just days after Sirius announced a new receiver targeted specifically at the sports listener. And while the new XM receiver targets a much broader listener base, its ability to draw in new subscribers is questionable, although it could be a good upgrade product for those who already are XM subscribers.
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