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Interspace’s in-depth study of European satellite activity, compiled by Mike Fallon

D = Digital
A = Analogue

78.5 degreesE:
Thaicom 2&3
D –
A new digital platform for the Indian sub-continent from Reminiscent TV has launched on 3470MHz horizontal, SR 13333, FEC 2/3 containing Gurjari Channel – V512, A640, Lashkara Channel – V513, A641 and Anjuman Channel – V514, A642. All of these channels are free-to-air.

68.5 degreesE:
PAS-4 & 7
D –
There have been some Ku-Band feeds here recently. On April 26 a live feed from Amman, Jordan for ART was relayed on 11516MHz vertical, SR 5632, FEC 3/4, VPID 308, APID 256, ID: “ART AMMAN” at 16:10. On the same day at 16:35 a soccer match with Arabic commentary was carried on 11534MHz vertical, SR 5631, FEC 3/4, VPID 308, APID 256, ID: “9MHz PAL 2 Audio” in clear MPEG-2.

A. Simay-e Azadi Iran National Television seems to have left 11170MHz horizontal. The channel’s regular programmes in clear Pal have not been seen here for some time.

62 degreesE:
Intelsat 602
D –
The Japanese state broadcaster, NHK, is to provide the first full time satellite HDTV link between Europe and Japan via the new Intelsat craft due to arrive here in August, Intelsat 902. The new service, which is slated for an October launch, will be fed by uplinks in London and Paris for eastbound traffic.

57 degreesE:
NSS 703
– Ethiopian TV (ETV) on 3921MHz LHCP has switched from Pal to MPEG-2. The channel carried out some digital tests earlier in the year in readiness for the new service. The parameters are SR 5998, FEC 3/4, VPID 33, APID 34.

48 degreesE:
Eutelsat II F1
– Olisat TV on 11174MHz horizontal, SR 3254, FEC 2/3, VPID 4194, APID 4195 has been replaced by TeleCampione. A MTN TV testcard has replaced the Napoli Channel on 11609MHz vertical, VPID 3105, APID 3106. Radio Smile has launched on this frequency via APID 3106.

42 degreesE:
Turksat 1C & Eurasiasat 1
– The Turkish music channel Flash has returned to 11128MHz vertical, SR 4268, FEC 3/4, VPID 33, APID 34 in clear MPEG-2. Also Karadeniz TV has reappeared on 11499MHz vertical, SR 2899, FEC 5/6, VPID 308, APID 256 after a short break. The PIDs for Kiss TV on 10985MHz vertical, SR 3332, FEC ? have changed to V308, A256. A new channel, Radikal TV, is testing on 11156MHz vertical, SR 2200, FEC 5/6, VPID 33, APID 34 in clear MPEG-2. On 12609MHz horizontal INN has launched via VPID 3100, APID 3102 in clear MPEG-2.

36 degreesE:
Eutelsat W4 & Sesat

D The multiplex on 12513MHz horizontal containing Nuvolari, Leonardo, Alice and Espresso has changed Symbol Rate to 14465.

28.5 degreesE:
D – Worship Network and The GOD Channel launched via a stream share on 11681MHz vertical, VPID 2317, APID 2318 about ten days. Worship Network airs from 04:00-05:00 whilst The GOD Channel is on air from 05:00-04:00 daily. A GOD Digital bouquet launched here in early May with the arrival of the Revival Channel – V2320, A2321, EuroNews – V2307, APIDs 2308-2314 and Extreme Sports Channel UK. Although most of the channels here are still free-to-air they will all encrypt later. The complete package will cost subscribers GBP15.00 per month and is offered with a free set top box. This service will encode in Cryptoworks so will not be compatible with Sky Digital decoders. EuroNews officially joined the Sky Digital line up on May 8 where it appeared in the Sky EPG at Channel 528. Language soundtracks in English, French, German and Spanish are available here to start with but this will be expanded to include Italian and Portuguese later. Fashion TV has started on 11585MHz horizontal, SR 27500, FEC 2/3, VPID 2306, APID 2307 in clear MPEG-2.

28.2 degreesE:
Astra 2A, 2B & 2D
D – On 11973MHz vertical there have been some more PID changes. Asia 1 TV is now V2312, A2314, Bangla TV – V2308, A2310, MBI – V2316, A2318 and Channel East – V2326, A2328. As expected the BBC 2 regional variations were switched on May 1. 11797MHz horizontal, SR 27500, FEC 2/3 is carrying BBC 2 Wales – V2327, A2332, BBC 2 Scotland – V2328, A2333 and BBC 2 Northern Ireland – V2329, A2334. All of these are encoded in Videoguard. WhereIt’s.At TV has launched regular programming on 12402 MHz vertical, VPID 2324, APID 2325. The channel currently airs from 16:00-21:00 daily. Some more PID changes for radio channels; Classic FM – A2326, Core – A2327, Classic Gold – A2328, The Mix – A2329, WRN EuroMax – 2331, Solar Radio – A2332, Family Radio – A2333, Panjab Radio – A2334, Family Radio 1 – A2335, Family Radio 2 – A2336 and TotalRock – A2337. MTV Dance has new parameters on 11895MHz vertical, VPID 2312, APID 2314, Sky Channel 448. The channel is on air from 19:00-06:00. The Scene has launched on 12344MHz horizontal, APID 2328 in clear MPEG-2. Sky Box Office 36-39, Hallmark UK and Star Plus, which have all been free-to-air for some time on 10921MHz horizontal, have returned to Videocrypt encoding once again. The Reminiscent TV channels, Anjuman TV, Gurjari TV, Cee(I) TV and Solar Radio have started on 12344MHz horizontal, encoded in Videoguard.

26 degreesE:
Arabsat 2A & 3A
D – Wow has been replaced by LBC Sat on 12605MHz horizontal, VPID 514, APID 670 in Irdeto encoded MPEG-2. After a long break Tele Liban has returned to 11785MHz vertical, VPID 510, APID 520 in clear MPEG-2. For soccer fans in the Middle East Real Madrid TV has launched on 12685MHz horizontal, V518, A710 in MPEG-2/Viaccess. Dubai is the home of a new channel, which hopes to launch via Arabsat capacity next January. The channel, which will be known as Tibah, will portray the modern face of Islam with 12 hours of programming a day.

A – A new channel, Al-Awael, has launched on 3783MHz LHCP in clear Pal. It airs from 21:00-01:00 nightly.

25.5 degreesE:
Eutelsat II F4
D – This craft is now parked here after being moved from 28.5 degrees East.

19.2 degreesE:
Astra 1A-C & E-H
D – In the Viacom package on 12699MHz vertical, SR 22000, FEC 5/6, MTV Extra and VH1 Germany have been replaced by MTV Hits – V3045, A3042 and MTV2 Pop Channel – V3081, A3082. Poland’s TV4 on 11992MHz horizontal is now encoded in Cryptoworks after a very long time in the clear. The National Geographic Channel has started on 11934MHz vertical, VPID 170, APID 120 in MPEG-2/Mediaguard. As expected Radio Caroline has started test transmissions on 11876MHz horizontal via APID 111. Fox 8 Nederland has been renamed V8 on 12574MHz horizontal, SR 22000, FEC 5/6.

A – As the great analogue shut down continues MTV UK left 11422MHz horizontal on May 1. Up at 11538MHz horizontal VH1 UK has also been switched off. The Paramount Movie Channel and Nickelodeon UK have left 11156MHz vertical and are now only available in MPEG-2 via Sky Digital. Radio France International has also left 11156MHz where it had been occupying the 7.38MHz audio sub-carrier. Berlin based B1 has launched regular programming on 11568MHz vertical. Ireland’s RTE Radio 1 has left the 7.56MHz audio sub-carrier at 11538MHz vertical. RTE can be heard in digital format from either Hotbird at 13 degrees East, 12597MHz vertical or as part of the Sky Digital line up at 28.2 degrees East, 12344 MHz horizontal. BBC Radio 1 and Radio 2 have launched on 11244MHz horizontal via the 7.74 and 7.92MHz audio sub-carriers.

16 degreesE:
Eutelsat W2
D – MTV Italy has replaced TMC 2 on 11090MHz horizontal, SR 6109, FEC 3/4 in encoded MPEG-2. Fox Kids Nederland has left 11042MHz horizontal, SR 3998, FEC 3/4. This children’s channel had been available here in clear MPEG-2 for some considerable time. TMF Vlaanderen has moved to 11043MHz horizontal, SR 4338, FEC 3/4, VPID 33, APID 34 from 11081MHz horizontal. At 18:30 on May 6 live coverage of the Juventus V Roma football match for Tele+ was fed over 10960MHz horizontal, SR 2819, FEC 3/4, VPID 4194, APID 4195, ID:”SITCOM MASTER” in clear MPEG-2.

13 degreesE:
Hotbird 1/2/3/4/5
D – The Italian parliamentary channel, Camera Deputati, in the RAI package on 11804MHz vertical, SR 27500, FEC 2/3 has been displaying a caption for the period of the Easter recess indicating that the next transmission will be “Il Giorni 7 Maggio 2001 al ore 10”. RAI Med has started regular programming on 11766MHz vertical, SR 27500, FEC 2/3. Some of the new channel’s output is drawn from RAINews 24. Roma Channel is broadcasting some programmes in the clear on 12731MHz horizontal, the Stream multiplex, but all Roma soccer matches are encoded in Irdeto. Asianet, the long established Hindi language channel which is available via Telstar 11 capacity at 37.5 degrees West, has launched via a Hotbird transponder on 11564MHz horizontal, SR 6140, FEC 3/4, VPID 7713, APID 36. It is joined here by CITV, the Tamil channel, on VPID 7729, A7732. Both channels broadcast in free-to-air MPEG-2. In the Tele+ bouquet on 11996MHz vertical TMC 2 has been replaced by MTV Italy on PIDs V167, A108. Another new Italian channel is Canale Lavoro, a job seeking venture, on 11766MHz vertical, SR 27500, FEC 3/4, VPID 516, APID 654 in clear MPEG-2. The new Greek digital platform from Alpha Digital is testing on 10949MHz vertical. So far there are five active streams here offering an Alpha Digital promo, Alpha Sports promo, Alpha Sports 2 promo, Alpha Movies promo and an Alpha Cinema promo. A Bloomberg TV testcard has replaced Bloomberg TV Espana on 11642MHz horizontal. On 12460MHz vertical Hallmark Russia is new on PIDs V1760, A1720 in MPEG/PowerVu. X TV has left 12475MHz horizontal, SR 27500, FEC 3/4. At 12520MHz vertical a MTN TV caption is currently displayed on VPID 701. Sat 7, the Christian channel for Arabic speakers is launching a new schedule from May 18 on 11642MHz horizontal, SR 27500, FEC 3/4. From that date the regular 2 hour slot will be repeated at 10:00-12:00, 13:30-15:30 and 15:30-17:30. The travel channel, www.Travel are to leave their Hotbird slot at 12538MHz horizontal on May 10 and relocate to Telstar 12 at 15 degrees West. TV Festival is new on 11283MHz vertical, V167, A108 in Mediaguard encoded MPEG-2. Radio voyager has been replaced by Radio Incontro on 11843MHz vertical, APID 2319 where it is encoded in Irdeto and Videoguard. Rainbow Channel TV, the first full time channel for lesbians and gay males, has launched on 12092MHz horizontal, VPID 4600, APID 4601 in free-to-air MPEG-2.

A – The erotic channels 123 Sat and 69 XTV have left 11585MHz vertical. Both channels are still available from Hotbird but in digital format on 11623MHz vertical, SR 27500, FEC 3/4. 24 Ore has started regular programming on 12558MHz vertical, VPID 6916, APID 6917.

10 degreesE:
Eutelsat W1
D – Occasional feed traffic from APTN London is using 12629MHz vertical, SR 5632, FEC 3/4, VPID 308, APID 256 in free-to-air MPEG-2. Turkey’s NTV Radyo has launched on 11015MHz horizontal via APID 257. Still with Turkey, TGRT and TGRT FM have launched on 11054MHz vertical, SR 4373, FEC 5/6, VPID 308, APIDs 256/257.

7 degreesE:
Eutelsat W3
D – Kanal 6 appears to have left the Turkish digital package on 11658MHz vertical, SR 30000, FEC 3/4, VPID 2100, APID 2200. Two independent Italian channels, Marco Polo and Leonardo have entered a stream share via PIDs V2122, A2224 in this multiplex. The Iran Television Network has returned to 11283MHz vertical, VPID 2525, APID 2545 after a short break. A new opposition channel for Iranians, Simay-e Mardome, has launched on 11596MHz horizontal, SR 30000, FEC 3/4, VPID 33, APID 34 in clear MPEG-2. On May 6 at 09:40 live coverage of the Pope’s visit to Damascus, Syria was fed over 11069MHz horizontal, SR 6666, FEC 7/8, ID:”Auto 9MHz” in free-to-air MPEG-2.

5 degreesE:
Sirius 2/3
D – Viasat Hockey Xtra 1, Xtra 2 and Xtra 3 have launched on 11823MHz vertical, VPIDs 7031/7041/7051, APIDs 7051/7042/7052 in Viaccess encoded MPEG-2. EuroNews, The Money Channel, Travel, UCB Cross Rhythms and UCB Europe have all left 12349MHz horizontal. On this frequency a GOD Channel caption has appeared via PIDs V301, A302. From Denmark DR P1, DR P3 and DR Klassisk have all launched on 11823MHz vertical, APIDs 7211/7213/7215 in Viaccess encoded MPEG.

A – Playboy TV, TV6 Nature World, TV6 Action World and Nickelodeon Scandinavia have all left 12015MHz vertical from where they have been available in D2-MAC. Some more D2-MAC departures are VH-1 Europe on 11785MHz vertical, Hallmark Scandinavia on 11900MHz vertical, MTV Nordic on 12207MHz vertical and Travel and Viasat Sport on 12322MHz vertical. One channel which will be sadly mourned by many is TV1000 Cinema which has just left 11823 MHz horizontal in D2-MAC. TV4 Sweden are to cease analogue transmissions from Sirius on May 31. The channel will leave 11937MHz vertical on that date.

0.8 degrees/1 degreesW:
Thor 1, 2 & 3 & Intelsat 707
D – Eurotica has been replaced by another adult material channel, Private Gold in the Telenor package on 11014MHz horizontal, SR 24500, FEC 7/8, VPID 520, APID 680. The new channel broadcasts using Conax encryption from 22:00-04:00 nightly. The main programme feed for Big Brother Norway is using 11247MHz vertical, VPID 520, APID 672 in Conax encoded MPEG-2. A new mini-package containing TVTV! – VPID 512, APID 640 and MTV3 – VPID 513, APID 644 has launched on 11689MHz vertical, SR 7400, FEC 3/4. Both channels are encoded in Conax. Since its launch here, TVTV! has left 11685MHz vertical.

A – The D2-MAC version of TV1000 has vacated 11054MHz vertical.

7 degreesW:
Nilesat 101 & 102
D – Accompanying Ajman TV from the Emirates on 12001MHz vertical, SR 2892, FEC 3/4 is Channel Four FM, an English language radio station on APID 102. Sony Entertainment TV Middle East is currently free-to-air on 11861MHz vertical, SR 27500, FEC 3/4, V3021, A3022. Also on this frequency Abu Dhabi Space Channel has changed PIDs to V1115, A1116. Sony Entertainment’s other slot at 12073MHz horizontal, VPID 3022, APID 3023 has been taken over by E!Entertainment TV, encoded in Cryptoworks and Irdeto. MBC has left 11823MHz vertical, SR 27500, FEC 3/4 and has been replaced by a data stream. Real Madrid TV (encoded) and MBC (free-to-air) have launched on 11804MHz horizontal via Nilesat’s Middle East beam in MPEG-2. The PIDs for these are V3033/3021, A3034/3022 respectively. The Lebanese multiplex containing Tele Liban, NBN, MTV, Al-Manar TV and New TV has moved from 12054MHz vertical to 12130 MHz vertical, SR 27500, FEC 3/4. Animal Planet has vacated 11843MHz horizontal. SuperSport International and Animal Planet can now be found on 11804MHz horizontal, SR 27500, FEC 3/4, VPIDs 3001/3013, APIDs 3002/3014 respectively. Following the recent renewal of the BBC’s contract with Nilesat securing carriage for the next two years, BBC World Service Arabic Stream has launched on 11843MHz horizontal, APID 2016 in clear MPEG-2. Also, BBC World Service English stream has appeared here via APID 2017.

8 degreesW:
Telecom 2A/D
D – On May 1 at 19:20 live ice hockey from a match between the Czech Republic and Switzerland was fed over 11663MHz vertical, SR 6111, FEC 3/4, VPID 308, APID 256, ID: “TV-UNIT DSNG” in clear MPEG-2. At 14:00 on May 7 more ice hockey, this time from the Switzerland-Vs-Italy match, was carried on 11630MHz vertical, SR 6111, FEC 3/4, VPID 4194, APID 4195, ID:”SRG FLAVIA 1E-A”

11 degreesW:
Express 3A & Telecom 2B
D – Telecom 2B has now left this geostationary slot and is drifting slowly eastwards.

15 degreesW:
Telstar 12
D – There have been some changes to the Hallmark Entertainment multiplex on 11534MHz horizontal. The current line up is; Hallmark UK – V2160, A2120, Hallmark Russia – V2260, A2220, Hallmark Israel – V2360, A2321 and Hallmark South Africa – V2460, A2422. All of the channels here are in MPEG-2/PowerVu.

21.3 degrees/21.5 degreesW:
NSS 803 & NSS K
D – A live feed from an airport runway in Rio de Janeiro for Reuters on May 6 at 19:05 on 11463MHz vertical, SR 5632, FEC 3/4 showed an executive jet awaiting the arrival of Great Train Robber Ronnie Biggs who was starting his journey back to the UK courtesy of the Sun newspaper.

27.5 degreesW:
Intelsat 605
D – A promo for Credit Agricole TV has started on 11563MHz vertical, SR 27500, FEC 3/4, VPID 160, APID 80 in free-to-air MPEG-2.

30 degreesW:
Hispasat 1A/B/C
D – ATEI, a Spanish language educational channel, has launched regular programming on 11771MHz horizontal via PIDs V33, A34 in clear MPEG-2.

37.5 degreesW:
Telstar 11 & Columbia 515
D – Asianet temporarily left 11598MHz vertical, SR 3904, FEC 3/4 last week at the time that the channel launched vie Hotbird at 13 degrees East but it has since returned to it’s former slot here.

43 degreesW:
PAS 3R & PAS 6
D – In the Mexican bouquet on 12584MHz vertical, SR 27500, FEC 3/4 Eco has been replaced by De Pelicula in Viaccess.

58 degreesE:
D – CNBC US has launched on 11561MHz horizontal, SR 6111, FEC 3/4, VPID 33, APID 34 in clear MPEG-2. The children’s channel TMF Vlaanderen has started on 11570MHz horizontal, SR 6111, FEC 3/4, VPID 3601, APID 3604.

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