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Thursday Morning Conversation: Space-Based Healthcare from a Doctor’s Persepctive

By Mark Holmes | October 14, 2020

      Via Satellite’s Thursday Morning Conversation (TMC) goes in a slightly different direction this week. We talk to a doctor on the frontline of the COVID-19 crisis. Dr. Beth Healey of the United Kingdom National Health Service (NHS) is not part of the satellite industry, she is part of the healthcare industry working tirelessly to keep patients healthy and safe in the wake of a worldwide pandemic. We talk to Beth about what life has been like in recent months dealing with COVID-19. However, and perhaps more importantly to our satellite audience, we also talk about space-based healthcare and how the healthcare and satellite industries can work better together going forward. This is really interesting stuff and something very different for a TMC. We hope you enjoy this one.

      Via Satellite’s Thursday Morning Conversations are the newest way to learn about the latest news in the satellite industry. From interviews with industry leaders and discussions with newcomers in space and satellite to debates among Via Satellite staff and chats about the latest in sports and pop culture, TMC will be your go-to for a Thursday morning respite. Grab a coffee, sit back, and listen in every Thursday morning at 10:00 a.m. ET for the latest segment. You can find the videos on the Via Satellite Facebook pageLinkedIn pageTwitter page, or right here on