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[Satellite TODAY 01-15-10] Lockheed Martin and the U.S. Air Force completed a Space-Based Infrared System (SBIRS) ground system testing demonstration that will enable the SBIRS constellation to move into its next level of integration, Lockheed Martin announced Jan. 13.
The testing validated the functionality, performance and operability of the SBIRS GEO ground system for its planned operational use. The campaign included testing of more than 1.5 million source lines of code and 133 ground segment requirements. Lockheed Martin said the completion of test puts the ground system on track to support the Atlas 5 launch of GEO-1, the first SBIRS satellite in the constellation, scheduled for delivery to Cape Canaveral Air Force Station in late 2010.
Lockheed Martin’s SBIRS contract includes the two highly elliptical orbit (HEO) payloads now on-orbit, two GEO satellites and ground-based assets to receive and process the infrared data. The company said its U.S. Air Force contract program has commenced an advanced procurement process for long-lead components for a fourth HEO payload and a fourth GEO satellite.
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