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[Satellite TODAY 11-23-11] Chinese National Petroleum Cooperation subsidiary BGP has named Marlink its VSAT satellite communications supplier for its fleet of advanced seismic vessels, Marlink confirmed Nov. 22.
   BGP operates global seismic vessels to provide customers with marine seismic data acquisition in high-quality 2-D, 3-D, 4-D and OBC formats. BGP’s latest vessel, the BGP Prospector, will be equipped with Marlink’s Sealink C-band, SCPC VSAT. The full duplex and dedicated satellite communication service aims to support a range of applications onboard.
   “Marlink has a dedicated sales and service team based in Singapore which is likely to expand further in support of our growing customer base in Asia. By offering a comprehensive portfolio of both VSAT on MSS solutions, Marlink is able to satisfy any customer requirement for connectivity by customizing a service package to satisfy specific vessel needs,” Marlink Regional Director of Asia Gunnar Valle said in a statement.

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