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[Satellite TODAY 07-14-11] Gilat Satellite Networks has been selected to expand residential broadband services for Russian national communications carrier Synterra, under the operator’s USO obligations, Gilat announced July 13.
Synterra contracted Gilat to provide satellite communications equipment for the extension of a broadband network throughout Siberia and the Russian Far East. The USO network was designed to provide essential broadband Internet and telephony services to residents of remote communities. As part of the agreement, Synterra also committed to implement Gilat’s technology in 1,500 remote sites.
“We are continuing our partnership with Synterra, and view this project as a clear vote of confidence in our technology and service support. Synterra’s efforts will extend broadband connectivity throughout the rugged geography of the Siberian and Russian Far East districts,” Gilat Vice President Arie Rozichner said in a statement.
Financial details of the contract were not disclosed.
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