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[Satellite TODAY 06-24-11] Navigation technology developer DeLorme will release an Iridium-based personal communicator delivering global two-way satellite services in the fall of this year, DeLorme announced June 23.
The inReach communicator service includes text messaging, delivery confirmations, SOS capabilities, remote tracking and an Android smartphone interface. DeLorme said the Iridium partnership allows them to provide service coverage to 100 percent of the globe.
Core communications components of the inReach include the Iridium 9602 short-burst data (SBD) transceiver and Iridium’s pole-to-pole global connectivity.
“The DeLorme inReach is a great example of how our ecosystem of partners is extending the reach of Iridium now through Android smartphone technology, delivering the consumer market viable, two-way personal communications with unmatched global connectivity,” Iridium Vice President for Data Services Patrick Shay said in a statement.
CLARIFICATION – An earlier version of this story said that the Iridium partnership allowed DeLorme to provide service coverage to more than 90 percent of the globe, when it should have read 100 percent.
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