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[Satellite TODAY 07-22-10]  Hughes has been contracted by natural gas company Black Elk Energy to provide a maritime broadband solution that includes network infrastructure for remote communications, real-time monitoring, compliance reporting, emergency response, and platform-to-shore applications, Black Elk announced July 21.
    The company said it selected Hughes after weeks of performance testing. Black Elk will use the solution to connect its platforms and shore facilities in order to transfer critical field data, improve production efficiency and create a safer environment for its workers.
    The Hughes solution will be powered by bandwidth options provided by ESSI‘s SCADA division, employing technologies that aim to mitigate rain fade, ensure bandwidth availability, and increase the efficiency of the overall network.
    “Discerning IT directors are now recognizing the inherent advantages of working with a leading broadband service company that also designs and manufactures its own satellite products,” Hughes Senior Vice President Vinod Shukla said in a statement.

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