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[Satellite TODAY 12-08-09] SES World Skies and SatLink Communications have launched a new DS3 fiber link to connect their teleport facilities, the two companies announced Dec. 7.
The new link aims to provide SatLink’s clients with direct access to SES World Skies’ U.S. fleet while also enabling SES World Skies to further expand the reach of its satellites covering Europe, Africa, Asia and the Middle East.
“We are once again proud to strategically expand our total global content distribution experience into the North and South American markets with SES World Skies. Through their Washington mediaport in Manassas, Virginia, we can offer more links and connections for our non-American clients into those huge and diverse markets,” SatLink CEO David Hochner said in a statement.
The deal builds on SatLink’s capacity purchase on SES Astra’s Astra 4A (Sirius 4) satellite in April. SatLink uses Astra 4A to provide a multi-channel per carrier platform, which expands its DTH reach to sub-Saharan Africa.
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