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[Satellite Today 06-30-09] SES Astra signed a capacity deal with SatGate, a Lithuanian satellite service provider, to resume transmissions from SES Astra’s orbital position at 31.5 degrees East, SES Astra announced June 29.
    SatGate originally started services from 31.5 degrees East in August on the Astra 5A satellite. The spacecraft ended its mission in January and was replaced in April by Astra 2C, which carries 24 BSS transponders. With the new contract, SatGate uses five transponders on SES satellites, four on Astra 2C and a previously contracted transponder on the Sirius 4 satellite.
    SatGate uses four transponders to provide broadband and Internet connectivity to ISPs, households and end customers in Eastern and Central Europe, Russia and its neighboring countries and the Middle East. Part of the capacity also will be used to serve ISPs who do not have the necessary infrastructure themselves, SES Astra said.

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