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[Satellite Today – 1-22-08] Brazilian grocery store chain Rede Smart, a Martins Group Co., will use Hughes Network Systems LLC to provide broadband satellite managed network services to its 930 stores, Hughes announced Jan. 21.
The first phase of the project will connect 300 stores to enable processing of online debit and credit card transactions. In the second phase, the remaining stores will be connected and additional value-added applications such as distance learning for store employees, live video distribution and back-office systems will be enabled.
"We selected Hughes because they put together three fundamental elements for us,” Luiz Henrique Abrantes Escobar, Rede Smart’s managing director, said in a statement. “It is a renowned company using recognized, reliable technology; it offers national coverage, as the HughesNet service is available anywhere in the country; and it is a very cost-effective solution that our member stores can afford."
Financial detail of the contract were not released.
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