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Washington, D.C.-based industry association Women in Aerospace (WIA) will be hosting a panel discussion examining what steps have been taken in the last year to bring the Vision for Space Exploration to life. The panelists, including Michelle Burkett from the House Appropriations Committee, Mary Kicza of NASA and Michelle Robbins from the Coalition for Space Explorations will be focusing on a series of topics, including a look at what NASA and the space industry has been doing to achieve the goals of the Vision, the cost of the Vision and whether the price tag is an affordable one. The discussion will take place at 6:00 p.m. in room 2325 at the Rayburn House Office Building in Washington, D.C. RSVP is required for the event (202/547-9451 or [email protected]) and the cost of the event is $5 for non- WIA members (free for members).

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