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DigitalGlobe Provides Hawaii With Satellite Imagery
DigitalGlobe today announced the inception of a project that will help in the creation of Hawaii’s first publicly available, statewide Digital Ortho Quarter Quadrangles (DOQQ) and updated public-image base using QuickBird satellite data. According to DigitalGlobe, the high-resolution images and DOQQs will assist state officials with more precise planning for property assets, roads, homeland security, public safety, accessibility to remote areas and other applications. No financial details of the deal were made available.
In a separate agreement, DigitalGlobe said it won a contract from the County of Maui to provide cloud-free satellite imagery of the entire county for multi-departmental use. Again, DigitalGlobe did not disclose the value of the contract.
A roundup of contracts awarded by government entities as well as those that will be offered can be found in sister publication Satellite News’ Government Procurement Report. For subscription information, please visit If you have recently received a government contract for satellite services, please send the details to GPR Editor Gregory Twachtman at [email protected].
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