Latest News

A = Analogue
D = Digital

78.5 degreesE:
Thaicom 2&3

D There are now three Christian TV channels within the Tadiran Scopus multiplex at 3550 MHz horizontal, SR 13333, FEC 3/4. They are GOD Asia, 3ABN and TCT. All of the channels here are free-to-air. On 3626 MHz vertical, SR 15555, FEC 3/4 Nepal 1 TV has changed PIDs to V33, A34. Also on this frequency, Sadhana TV is a new arrival on PIDs V1057, A1058.

A The analogue relay of Thailand’s MCOT Channel 9 on 3975 MHz horizontal along with Radio 9/Tec Radio via the 6.20 MHz audio sub-carrier has ceased. They are still available in clear MPEG-2 on 3865 MHz horizontal, SR 7030, FEC 3/4. Since the departure of Channel 9 this transponder has been used for some occasional feed traffic for Thai Channel 11 in clear PAL.

76.5 degreesE:
Apstar 2R

A Madagascar’s TV Malagasy and Radio Madagascar have launched here at 3780 MHz vertical in clear Secam with audio via the 5.80 MHz (TV) and 7.80 MHz (radio) audio sub-carriers. The programme output is in parallel with TV Malagasy’s original outlet on LMI 1 at 75 degrees East (3990 MHz vertical) which continues to be seen.

75 degreesE:

D The NetService audio package from Russia which had occupied 12605 MHz vertical, SR 1240, FEC 7/8 and contained Radio Retro, Novaya Zhizn, Radio Dinamit FM, Radio Monte Carlo (Moscow), Russkoe Radio 2, Militsejskaya Volna, BBC World Service and Radio Nederland has left the frequency.

68.5 degreesE:
PAS 7 & 10

D There are three free-to-air test transmissions in the New Delhi TV package at 3897 MHz vertical, SR 8680, FEC 3/4. They are 24X7 NDTV – V32, A33; NDTV INDIA – V34, A36 and NDTV REGI – V37, A38. Sporadic feed traffic for TEN Sports Middle East have been using 3809 MHz vertical, SR 12857, FEC 7/8, VPID 50, APID 52 in the last few days. This multiplex contains four active streams with TEN Sports India – V32, A33; TEN Sports Pakistan – V34, A40, KTN (Kenya Television Network) – V39, A42 and an occasional feed stream for TEN Sports – V50, A52. al-Arabiyah has launched on 3940 MHz vertical, SR 6110, FEC 3/4, VPID 33, APID 36 in clear MPEG-2.

66 degreesE:
Intelsat 704

D The Iraqi Satellite Channel has been using 4055 MHz RHCP, SR 27500, FEC 3/4, VPID 320, APID 330 intermittently since the start of the current conflict. As with all of their outlets, Arabsat at 26 degrees East, Hotbird – 13 degrees East, Nilesat – 7 degrees West, NSS 806 – 40.5 degrees West and Telstar 5 – 97 degrees West, the channel goes off air for long periods of time, usually at night, which seems to coincide with heavy bombing raids on Baghdad.

62 degreesE:
Intelsat 902

D The BT caption on 4177 MHz vertical, SR 31533, FEC 2/3 via PIDs V514, A670, has been replaced by a BT promo video loop.

48 degreesE:
Eutelsat II-F2

D Radio Rinascente, Radio Cecchetto, DiErreEsse, Radio ERG and Radio China International have all left the Italian radio package on 12524 MHz vertical, SR 1628, FEC 2/3.

42 degreesE:
Turksat 1C & Eurasiasat 1

D The RR Satellite Comms package has returned to 12613 MHz vertical, SR 3900, FEC 7/8 after a short break. There is a new channel here, VIC TV 3 on VPID 1089, APID 1059, which is currently testing. A new free-to-air mini-package has opened on 11738 MHz horizontal, SR 11720, FEC 5/6 containing an Eurasiasat promo channel – V308, A256; NTV (Turkey) – V309, A258; Tatlises TV test transmissions – V310, A260 and TV8 – V311, A262.

40.5 degreesE:
Express A1R

D A new package has launched on 11571 MHz vertical, SR 26463, FEC 3/4, containing three active streams. These are an Pervyi Kanal (Channel 1) (ex-ORT) – V532, A5714; TeleKanal Rossiya – V533, A5724 and Kultura TeleKanal – V534, A5734. The transponder is configured for the Central Russia beam which delivers 43 dBW in the beam centre over South West Russia and drops to 36 dBW over the whole of the UK. Radio Mayak (Lighthouse) and Radio Yunost (Youth) have launched on 3675 MHz RHCP, SR 33477, FEC 7/8, APIDs 651/681 in clear MPEG-2. On 11610 MHz vertical, SR 3750, FEC 3/4, VPID 33, APID 34 a Ukraina i Svit testcard is in evidence in clear MPEG-2

30.5 degreesE:
Arabsat 2B

D The new news channel from MBC Dubai, al-Arabiyah, is using 12540 MHz vertical, SR 3000, FEC 3/4 for occasional feed traffic. The Jordan Satellite Channel has launched on 12525 MHz horizontal, SR 3000, FEC 3/4, VPID 1029, APID 1049 in clear MPEG-2. It is accompanied by Radio Jordan on APID 1059.

28.2 degreesE:
Astra 2A, 2B & 2D & Eurobird 1

D Sky Digital have announced that as from 2 April all movies aired on the Sky Box Office channels will be in widescreen 16:9 format. Friendly TV, a new interactive general entertainment channel, is to join the Sky line-up in May. No EPG details have been released yet. Two more channels have succumbed to financial difficulties and have vacated their slots in the Sky EPG. The Dental TV channel CPD TV has left Ch.952 and Radio First, which had occupied Sky Ch.906, has been switched off. Some of the Viacom music channels are on the move again and have been allocated new positions in the Sky EPG. MTV 2 is now on Ch.442, MTV Base to Ch.443, MTV Dance to 444, VH-1 to 446 and VH-1 Classic has moved to Ch.447. probably the UK’s most popular independent commercial radio station, London’s Capital 95.8 FM, has launched on Sky Digital. The station had been testing on 12324 MHz vertical, SR 27500, FEC 2/3 under the ID:’517-8 (Capital) and has now entered the Sky EPG at Ch.925. Also, Century London has been added to the EPG at Ch.924. Star News has undergone a re-launch to plug falling ratings. The Mumbai-based channel has dropped all English language programmes in favour of output in the Hindi language as audience figures in India have been disappointing recently. Star News occupies Ch.803 in the Sky EPG. Channel 4’s movie channels, FilmFour world and Extreme are to cease broadcasting in May. They are to be replaced by a single channel named FilmFour Weekly which will air just three films per week at 20:00, 22:00 and 00:00 nightly. Following the BBC’s decision to drop Sky’s conditional access and air all of the BBC channels in the clear from next month they are now in dispute with Sky over forthcoming EPG positions. The BBC claim that Sky have hinted that BBC 1 and BBC 2 may lose their prestigious and coveted 101 and 102 slots in the Sky EPG and there are concerns that, when all of the BBC regional variations are made available via Astra, they will be hidden away in the depths of the Sky EPG and will not be easily accessible to viewers. The BBC have taken their complaint to the Independent Television Commission, the UK’s TV regulator. A new gay TV channel, which will be known as GTV is to launch in the Summer. The channel will be a standalone pay TV service with a monthly subscription expected to be less than GBP10 per month. Sky Travel, Sky Travel Extra and Sky Travel Shop have launched on 10876 MHz vertical, SR 22000, FEC 5/6. Radio Caroline is new on 11585 MHz horizontal, SR 27500, FEC 2/3 via APID 2332. Simply Asian, the Hindi/Urdu language general entertainment channel, has left 11623 MHz horizontal for 12422 MHz horizontal, SR 27500, FEC 2/3, VPID 2342, APID 2343.

26 degreesE:
Arabsat 2A, 2C, 2D & 3A

D The Iraq Satellite Channel continues to broadcast despite the heavy bombardment on Baghdad by coalition forces. The channel, which can be found on 12565 MHz vertical, SR 3200, FEC 3/4 and 11747 MHz vertical, SR 27500, FEC 3/4 as well as 12581 MHz vertical in PAL, has been suffering from some lengthy outages though. It is thought that Iraq Television is using makeshift mobile uplinks to maintain the service. The programme content never wavers from patriotic songs sung by gun-toting Iraqis, news bulletins read by presenters in military uniform and the inevitable videos of Saddam Hussein. Abu Dhabi TV has an extensive crew in Baghdad and provides some of the best video from Iraq. The channel can be found on Eurobird 1 (28.5 degrees East), 11662 MHz horizontal, SR 27500, FEC 2/3; Arabsat 2A (26 degrees East), 4039 MHz RHCP (PAL); Arabsat 3A (26 degrees East), 11747 MHz vertical, SR 27500, FEC 3/4 and 11854 MHz vertical, SR4444, FEC 3/4; Hotbird 3 (13 degrees East), 12380 MHz vertical, SR 27500, FEC 3/4; Nilesat 101 (7 degrees West), 11862 MHz vertical, SR 27500, FEC 3/4 and Telstar 5 (97 degrees West), 12152 MHz horizontal, SR 20000, FEC 3/4. The Kuwaiti Salmiyah test transmissions and Kuwait Main Arabic Service have left 12533 MHz vertical and re-located to 12526 MHz vertical, SR 3000, FEC 3/4, VPID 308, APIDs 256/257.

A Abu Dhabi TV and Emarat FM have vacated 11858 MHz vertical where they had been available in clear PAL. A new-to-satellite radio station has opened on the back of Lebanon’s Future TV at 3862 MHz LHCP. Radio al-Iftah Holy Qur’an can be heard via the 6.20 MHz sub-carrier where it has replaced Radio Orient. Test transmissions from Libya’s al-Jamahiryah TV have been sighted on 11075 MHz vertical in clear PAL. Qatar TV and Radio Qatar have vacated 12521 MHz horizontal and have moved to 10974 MHz horizontal in clear PAL with audio via the 6.60/7.50 MHz audio sub-carriers (TV) and 7.00/7.80 MHz (radio).

23.5 degreesE:
Astra 3A

D Single TV has returned to 11572 MHz vertical, SR 2170, FEC 3/4 via PIDs V100, A101 and the Fish videos are back on 11592 MHz vertical, SR 27500, FEC 3/4, VPID 811, APID 812 and 11635 MHz horizontal, SR 27500, FEC 3/4, VPID 513, APID 514.

19.2 degreesE:
Astra 1B,C & E-H, Astra 2C

D The US movie channel MGM has joined the Premiere package for Germany on 11758 MHz horizontal, SR 27500, FEC 3/4, VPID 1023, APID 1024, encoded in Betacrypt. Dutch radio station Yam FM has joined the Canal Digitaal Satelliet bouquet at 12515 MHz horizontal, SR 22000, FEC 5/6 via APID 124.

16 degreesE:
Eutelsat W2

D Liguria Sat has left 12700 MHz vertical, SR 2170, FEC 3/4. Also, the Italian shopping channel Elefante Telemarket has vacated 10961 MHz horizontal, SR 2820, FEC 3/4 and has been replaced by ‘Teleport London’ occasional feed traffic. A feed from the Polish parliament was carried on 12652 MHz horizontal, SR 5632, FEC 3/4, VPID 4194, APID 4195, ID:’POLE 020 WARSZAWA’ for TV Nova on 27 March at 16:35 in clear MPEG-2. The Georgian radio station Radio Ajara has returned to 12675 MHz vertical, SR 4340, FEC 3/4, APID 35 following a brief absence. TeleNova is a newcomer on 12608 MHz horizontal, SR 27500, FEC 7/8, VPID 1760, APID 1720.

13 degreesE:
Hotbird 1/2/3/4/6

D The Russian channel for ex-pats, RTR Planeta, has left 12210 MHz horizontal, SR 5632, FEC 3/4 where it was free-to-air. RTR Planeta can still be found in the Television par Satellite package on 11034 MHz vertical, SR 27500, FEC 3/4 where it is in the clear. The Pakistani TV channel Prime TV is now encoded in Irdeto 2 within the Antenna Hungaria package on 12149 MHz vertical, SR 27500, FEC 3/4, VPID 700, APID 701. TMF UK has been replaced by Game One in the MTV Network package at 11242 MHz vertical, SR 27500, FEC 3/4, VPID 162, APID 88. It is simulcrypt in Cryptoworks and Viaccess. Digitaly has left the Telespazio multiplex at 11178 MHz horizontal, SR 27500, FEC 3/4. A new caption has appeared in the GlobeCast package on 12596 MHz vertical, SR 27500, FEC 3/4 via PIDs V167, A108 stating ‘Coming soon. ATV Arab Television. Redressing the balance’. The three Italian Mediaset channels, Italia 1, Rete 4 and Canale 5 have left 11387 MHz horizontal again. New York based WABC/ABC7 continues to be fed over the NTV+ platform at 11938 MHz horizontal, SR 27500, FEC 3/4, VPID 164, APID 88 in clear MPEG-2. The channel is available for almost 24 hours a day except for some breaks for occasional feed traffic. This feed arrives in Moscow via an Internet stream fed from New York by Path 1 with data rates of between 4 and 6 megabits. Radio Ajara has returned to 12245 MHz horizontal, SR 27500, FEC 3/4, APID 292. The signal arrives here from the feeder on Eutelsat W2 at 16 degrees East. The Italian channels DeeJay TV and Radio DeeJay have launched on 11200 MHz vertical, SR 27500, FEC 5/6 via VPID 382, APIDs 383/384 within the Network Teleport Italia multiplex. On 11131 MHz vertical, SR 5632, FEC 3/4 BBC World Service English and BBC World Service Arabic have launched in clear MPEG-2 via APIDs 457/557. In the Polish Cyfra+ platform Cyfra+ Pogoda – V163, A92; Discovery Travel & Adventure – V164, A96; Discovery Civilisation – V165, A100 and Discovery Science Channel – V166, A104 are all new and are encoded in Cryptoworks/Mediaguard 2. A ‘Made in Italy’ testcard has appeared in the Telespazio package at 11179 MHz horizontal, SR 27500, FEC 3/4 via PIDs V245, A246.

10 degreesE:
Eutelsat W1

D The Mexican channel XEW – Canal 2 is on the move again. This time it has settled at 11621 MHz vertical, SR 1434, FEC 7/8, VPID 308, APID 256 in free-to-air MPEG-2. Following its departure from Eutelsat W2 at 16 degrees East, Liguria Sat has opened on 11122 MHz horizontal, SR 2170, FEC 3/4, VPID 4194, APID 4195. The ‘CBC DOHA QATAR’ primary feedpoint from the Gulf has left11691 MHz horizontal and has moved to 11609 MHz vertical, SR 7031, FEC 3/4, VPID 308, APID 256 in MPEG-2 4.2.2. A previously unseen Italian religious TV channel named Tutti (All) has been seen intermittently in the evenings on 11127 MHz horizontal, SR 4483, FEC 5/6, VPID 33, APID 34, ID:’Service 1′ in clear MPEG-2. From programme content the channel appears to be based in Verona. CNBC-e and NTV Radyo have vacated 11015 MHz horizontal and Discovery Channel Turkey and Radyo Eksen have left 11019 MHz horizontal. All four channels have moved to Eurasiasat 1 at 42 degrees East.

5.2 degreesE:
Sirius 2/3 & Astra 1A

D There have been some changes in the Viasat package on 11881 MHz horizontal, SR 27500, FEC 3/4. RTL Deutschland and TV Chile have left the frequency and new here are SVT 1 – V5001, A5002; SVT 2 – V5011, A5012; SVT 24 – V5021, A5022; Barnkanalen/SVT Extra – V5031, A5032. All of the channels here are encoded in Conax. Lithuanian TV 2, Radio Vilnius 1 and Radio Vilnius 2 have left 11881 MHz horizontal and have re-located to 11996 MHz horizontal, SR 27500, FEC 3/4, VPID 4011, APIDs 4012/4041/4044 in clear MPEG-2. Bulgaria’s ESET TV has opened on 12169 MHz horizontal, SR 28000, FEC 7/8 via PIDs V522, A720 in free-to-air MPEG-2.

0.8 degrees/1 degreesW:
Thor 2 & 3 & Intelsat 707

D TotoLine, the Finnish service for bookmakers, has changed its name to Toto TV. The part time channel can be found 11162 MHz horizontal, SR 4203, FEC 2/3, VPID 308, APID 256 in free-to-air MPEG-2.

5 degreesW:
Telecom 2C & Atlantic Bird 3

D al-Arabiyah, MBC USA and MBC FM have launched here following their departure from Atlantic Bird 1 at 12.5 degrees West. They are using 11604 MHz horizontal, SR 6110, FEC 3/4, VPIDs 515/521, APIDs 643/649/681, all in free-to-air MPEG-2.

7 degreesW:
Nilesat 101 & 102

D General entertainment channel al-Oula has joined the Orbit Network line-up at 11944 MHz vertical, SR 12000, FEC 3/4, VPID 256, APID 257, encoded in Mediaguard 2.

8 degreesW:
Telecom 2D & Atlantic Bird 2

D Eurosport, which has been free-to-air for some time, is now encoded on 11640 MHz horizontal, SR 6800, FEC 5/6 via PIDs V3101, A3121.

11 degreesW:
Express 3A

D Salutes Benessere has been replaced by the Italian home shopping channel Telemarket on 11539 MHz vertical, SR 4339, FEC 1/2, VPID 210, APID 211 in free-to-air MPEG-2.

12.5 degreesW:
Atlantic Bird 1

D MBC USA and MBC FM have left 12693 MHz horizontal, SR 3299, FEC 3/4 and have moved to Atlantic Bird 5 at 5 degrees West. Also, al-Arabiyah has moved to the 5 degrees West slot from 11155 MHz horizontal, SR 2892, FEC 3/4.

15 degreesW:
Telstar 12

D Playboy TV Nederland has joined the UPC line-up at 11124 MHz horizontal, SR 18382, FEC 3/4, VPID 3201, APID 3210 in Cryptoworks encoded MPEG-2.

27.5 degreesW:
Intelsat 907

D Intelsat 907 has taken over from the ageing I605 now, which is being drifted eastwards..

30 degreesW:
Hispasat 1B/C/D

D On 11931 MHz horizontal, SR 27500, FEC 3/4, home of the TSA (Telefonica Servicios Audiovisuales) multiplex, a Canal 7 Madrid promo has launched via VPID 4790, APID 4791 in clear MPEG-2.

43 degreesW:
PAS 3R & PAS 6

D The Mexican channel XEW-Canal 2 on 12613 MHz vertical has a new Symbol Rate – SR 1434, FEC 7/8, VPID 308, APID 256. The programming here is in parallel with the channel’s other outlet on Eutelsat W1 at 10 degrees East. The Televisa bouquet for Mexico on 12583 MHz vertical, SR 27500, FEC 3/4 which contains Bandamax – V4112, A4113; Ritmoson – V4128, A4129; TeleHit – V4144, A4145; Galavision – V4176, A4177; Canal TeleNovelas – V4192, A4193 and an occasional feed stream – V4160, A4161 is frequently free-to-air.

55.5 degreesW:
Intelsat 805

D PanAmericana TV and Radio PanAmericana Peru are free-to-air at times on 3933 MHz horizontal, SR 4444, FEC 3/4. TV VAT Amazonia has returned to 3910 MHz vertical, SR 1807, FEC 3/4, VPID 337, APID 340 again after a short break.

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