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Axcent Media AG will shortly unveil their second generation PVR unit, which they claim is the “world’s most advanced”. Their Mk 1 machine was launched in Germany last year under the Grundig high-end ‘Selexx’ brand, which combined a digital satellite receiver/PVR in one box. A UK version will be launched in the UK this year.

However, the Mk 2 box brings what Martyn Gough, Axcent’s commercial director, full “home gateway functionality” He says its MediaTV-2 offers web-browser facilities, as well as conforming to the TV-Anytime forum standards. Additionally this gives users the possibility of caching content, including MP3 files, on the unit. MediaTV-2 will be unveiled at the upcoming Mediacast event in London, and is available for licensing. Last year’s Mk1 device shipped with 20 Gigabytes drives, but Gough says he expects the Mk2 units to ship with 40-80 GB drives. More, he says their Mk3 unit, anticipated to be shipping by Q4/2002 to ship with 300 GB drives.

He would not reveal his potential client list, but did say he was talking to a major UK electrical retailer for an ‘own brand’ unit.

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