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[Satellite TODAY 11-21-12] World Reach has launched its new online satellite phone store, SatPhone Shop as a Telstra Dealer to provide a wide range of satellite products for the Iridium satellite network, the company announced Nov. 21.

   SatPhone Shop is an approved Australian Government Satellite Subsidy provider that was established following Beam Communications’ relationship with Telstra and Iridium Satellite networks during the past ten years. SatPhone Shop aims to provide online accessibility to purchase and connect to Iridium voice, data and SMS services provided by Telstra in Australia along with other specialized packet data and tracking services provided by Beam Communications directly.
   “This initiative will make it easier for customers in Australia to buy affordable, reliable Beam Communications and Telstra satellite products and services,” SatPhone Shop Managing Director Michael Capocchi said in a statement. “The shop has been designed to specifically target the needs of government, enterprise and consumer customers across a broad range of industries including mining, oil & gas, emergency services, construction, transport and recreational users.”

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