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[Satellite TODAY 03-23-12] Russian Satellite Communications Co. (RSCC) has expanded its partnership with satellite capacity and networking equipment provider Romantis Group to develop value-added services for the two companies’ existing collaborative VSAT products and to expand their service reach to the North and South America and Trans-Atlantic regions via the Express-AM8 satellite, the companies confirmed March 22.
“We are expanding our current commercial relationship with Romantis to also include the prospective Express-AM8 satellite capacity,” RSCC Director General Yuri Prokhorov said in a statement. “Romantis effectively promotes and sells RSCC satellite capacity as a significant component of its turn-key solutions in the EMEA and now will also market the Express-AM8 capacity as a strategic RSCC partner in the American region.”
The Express-AM8 satellite is scheduled for launch to the 14 degrees West orbital slot in the third quarter of 2013. The satellite will be equipped with six high-power Ku-band and two C-band spot beams providing coverage of Europe, Africa, North and South America and the Middle East.
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