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[Satellite TODAY 12-22-11] Comtech EF Data was awarded a $4.1 million contract to provide satellite communications equipment supporting mobile backhaul network expansion to an unnamed telecommunications operator in Latin America, the company announced Dec. 20.
Comtech EF Data said the contract included a full range of its satellite Earth station equipment, as well as high-power traveling wave tube amplifiers from fellow Comtech subsidiary Comtech Xicom Technology.
The Latin America customer ordered Comtech EF Data’s CDM-625 advanced satellite modem, its CDM-750 Advanced High-Speed Trunking Modem, complementary redundancy switches and various other equipment including transceivers, block up converters and high-power outdoor solid-state power amplifiers.
“We are particularly pleased to receive this large order to support mobile backhaul networks. Our customer chose Comtech solutions based on our ability to increase network throughput and reduce operating expenses,” Comtech President and CEO Fred Kornberg said in a statement.
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