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[Satellite TODAY 10-26-11] Gilat Satellite Networks’ wholly owned subsidiary Spacenet was selected by Cumberland Farms to upgrade and manage its communications infrastructure for more than 600 stores across 11 U.S. States, Gilat announced Oct. 25.
Spacenet will provide the customer with upgraded network solution, utilizing DSL service and a VSAT satellite overlay to maintain business continuity at each site. Spacenet will install its Prysm Pro network management device at each location to monitor and manage this hybrid network.
“Specific enhancements this time around required an optimization of our network performance and improved support of our in-store applications. The enhancements also allow us to have a separate network at the stores for non-PCI compliant devices and partners, which is very important as we bring in new technologies. We knew that we would not achieve our goals without the right communications partner, one that understood our business and values when providing our customers with the tremendous service level that we always strive for,” Cumberland Farms CIO Dave Banks said in a statement.
Financial details of the contract order were not disclosed.
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