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[Satellite TODAY 10-21-09] ViaSat Inc. and airborne terminal reseller Innotech Aviation completed the first installation of a ViaSat VMT-1500 airborne broadband terminal on a Bombardier Global Express XRS aircraft, the manufacturer announced Oct. 20.
The installation of the Ku-band terminal was performed at Innotech Aviation’s facilities in Montreal.
The aircraft was commissioned into the ViaSat Yonder airborne broadband communication service following the installation. Yonder, provided by Satcom Direct, is a service that provides users with the ability to send and receive broadband data, connect to a virtual private network and access IPTV at high connection speeds.
The Yonder service network already extends west from Moscow across the Atlantic Ocean, North America and over the Pacific Ocean into Japan and Southeast Asia. ViaSat and maritime service-provider KVH Industries are cooperating to providing worldwide coverage of the service by mid-2011.
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