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[Satellite TODAY 10-01-09] U.K. satellite and wireless data supplier Excelerate Technology unveiled the first of its next-generation rapid response vehicles, the company announced Sept. 30.
    The vehicle is a Land Rover Discover equipped with emergency service communication technology, including a transportable satellite, private GSM, VoIP, wireless network, CCTV and video streaming.
    The vehicle also has been fitted with four drop-down touch screens, COFDM body worn camera kits and a mobile Broadband Global Area Network solution to deliver high-speed broadband access on the move. 
     This vehicle offers the same communications capabilities in a smaller, more flexible package that will provide emergency services with the forward command tools to assess and monitor serious incidents.  It also has the ability to function as a tactical [chemical, biological, radiological and nuclear] unit,” Excelerate CEO David Savage said in a statement.

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