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[Satellite Today 07-02-09] A technical investigation of Solaris Mobile’s S-band payload on Eutelsat’s W2A satellite has revealed, “significant non-compliances from its original specifications,” according to a Solaris Mobile statement released July 1.
As a result, the company, along with its shareholders, Eutelsat and SES Astra, filed a claim for the full-insured value of the payload and have downgraded their confidence that the payload will be able to fully meet the commitments made to the European Union on its awarded S-band spectrum to provide mobile satellite services to the continent.
The W2A was placed in orbit in April, shortly before Solaris and Inmarsat were tapped by the European Commission (EC) to operate mobile satellite services in Europe using 60 megahertz of S-band radio spectrum. Some of the losing bidders have filed lawsuits seeking to overturn the European Comission decision. Solaris Mobile said that, despite its payload findings, it remains entirely committed to provide these services to the European market.
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