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[Satellite Today 06-02-09] Space Exploration Technologies (SpaceX) and Astronautic Technology Sdn Bhd (ATSB) of Malaysia set a new launch window for liftoff of Falcon 1 Flight 5, which will carry the RazakSat satellite, SpaceX announced June 1.
The launch will occur either July 13 or July 14 between 7 p.m. EDT and 10 p.m. EDT at the U.S. Army’s Kwajalein launch facilities in the Central Pacific.
The launch was delayed in May after SpaceX identified potential problems in the interaction between the satellite and the launch vehicle. SpaceX said that after further analysis, it determined the implementation of a vibration isolation system, provided by SoftRide, would address this concern.
RazakSat, designed and built by ATSB, is expected to provide high-resolution images of Malaysia that can be applied to land management, resource development and conservation, forestry and fish migration.
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