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[Satellite Today 04-09-09] Arianespace reported total sales of 955.7 million euros ($1.3 billion) with net income of 2.5 million euros ($3.3 million) in its 2008 year-end results released April 8.
The figures show a slight increase from its 2007 year-end sales result of 940 million euros ($1.2 billion).
Arianespace conducted six launches and placed 10 satellites into geostationary orbit in 2008. The European launch provider also won 13 of the 18 launch contracts it competed for in 2008, including a deal with the European Commission and the European Space Agency to launch the entire Galileo constellation.
Arianespace plans to carry out seven Ariane 5 launches in 2009, plus the first Soyuz launch from the Guiana Space Center in French Guiana.
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