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[Satellite Today 03-17-09] Sea Submarine Communication (Seacom) said the cable Internet service it plans to bring to Africa will compete with satellite Internet and that satellite, the dominant Internet Service Provider (ISP), is too expensive for market customers, according to a Seacom announcement released March 15.
The Communication Commission of Kenya (CCK) has approved the licensing of Seacom to offer broadband services in Kenya. According to the announcement from Seacom, CCK chairman Phillip Okundi called on the company to provide cheap and quality communication services to Kenyans with special rates for young people through institutions of learning.
Seacom said that the laying of 15,000 kilometers of its fiber-optic undersea cable will come to an end by early April. Kenya will be able to use the broadband communication services by June 27, when the cable is activated, Seacom said.
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