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[Satellite Today 03-12-09] ComDev reported a 26 percent increase in revenue in its first quarter of 2009, at $56.5 million compared to $44.9 million in 2008, the company announced March 10.
The company also saw $88 million in orders in the first quarter compared to $33 million in the same quarter of 2008. Net income was reported at $4.4 million, compared to $1.3 million at the same period in 2008.
“We got off to a very good start in 2009, recording the second highest revenue total in our history in what tends to be a seasonally slow quarter for us," said John Keating, CEO of ComDev, in a statement. “High levels of new orders and a record backlog at quarter-end position us well for the rest of the year. The indicators we track continue to point to ongoing strength in the global space industry, despite challenges being seen in other sectors of the economy,” he said.
The company’s backlog as of Jan. 31 was $189 million, compared to $158 million three months earlier.
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