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[Satellite Today 03-11-09] SES Astra will move its Astra 2C satellite from its current orbital position at 28.2 degrees East to 31.5 degrees East to take over the mission of Astra 5A, which is no longer in service, the company announced March 10.
    The satellite will be moved in April and will remain at 31.5 degrees East for about a year. 
    SES Astra said that in the meantime, services transmitted via 28.2 degrees East will continue to be broadcast from the other satellites co-located at this orbital position. Astra 2C will be able to operate 24 BSS transponders at 31.5 degrees East, thereby continuing the commercialization of this orbital position.
    SES Astra said following the launch of Astra 3B in the fourth quarter, another in-orbit satellite will be moved to 31.5 degrees East, permitting the return of Astra 2C to 28.2 degrees East.

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