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Tags: PayloadSolar Powered, CubeSat
Publication Date: 07/01/2013

The Time and Relative Dimension in Space (TARDIS) is a time machine and spacecraft in the British science fiction television programme Doctor Who and its associated spin-offs.
Image credit: Wikimedia Commons


In celebration of the 50th anniversary of sci-fi TV show “Doctor Who,” a father-daughter pair built a tiny TARDIS-replica satellite. Supporters donated $88,880 on Kickstarter to launch the satellite.
The satellite includes a camera for capturing images of the Earth, along with a hard drive, allowing supporters to send a small amount of data on board. The TARDIS will be solar powered by panels attached to the device.
The launch plan for the project has not been specified; however the TARDIS will be attached to someone else’s payload with a setup that is similar to that of CubeSats.

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