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GMV USA to Provide Archiva Solution for GOES-R
[Satellite TODAY 12-07-12] GMV USA will provide Harris Corporation with its software product for the ground system of the Geostationary Operational Environmental Satellite R-Series (GOES-R), the companies announced Dec. 7.
GOES-R is the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration’s (NOAA) next generation geostationary weather satellites, designed to provide data for accurate real-time weather forecasting. Based on its archiva product, GMV USA will supply the engineering analysis and telemetry archiving and trending system. This solution aims to provide the telemetry archiving capability with a design crafted for fast telemetry retrieval.
“GMV is excited to continue our long standing relationship with Harris Corporation in providing technical innovations that improve the Nation’s natural disaster preparation and environmental monitoring and management,” GMV USA President Theresa Beech said in a statement.
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